Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I'm going to start off by saying, I haven't touched a video game console in about two or three years. I just don't get that into playing video games. I understand the appeal, but I am just always able to walk away after playing for a few minutes. I recall lots of video games, at least the newer ones, were so expensive and I would never understand what the point was behind spending all of my money on a couple video games when I could easily buy several DVDs for much less.

It's not that I think video games are dumb, I think it's cool how far technology has come, and how artists can show their creativity through the making of these games. I just don't get enthralled in them like some people, and it's great if you are one of those people too, not saying anything bad about you!

After watching "Indie Game: The Movie" I believe I have a newfound respect for the people behind making these games; especially the independent creators. Working constantly for four to five years to produce a game that maybe isn't the biggest or the flashiest game out on the market, but one that possibly has more meaning and a better story behind it is pretty cool. The creators are forced to engage every bit of creativity they have to make the game appealing to their audience. I'm so glad that there are people out there who do this for a living and thoroughly enjoy it, because I would never be able to sit in front of a computer using some programming software all day, only to produce a small amount of visible results - if any.

The documentary didn't make me want to go out and buy the video games per say, but I did enjoy getting to see how passionate these artists were about their work. I hope more of these independent game makers show up and start making games with more meaning and depth, over great life-like animations and action, although I can respect larger scale video games too.

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