My name is Katy Seymour, but I have a million nicknames. If you like any of the following, I will respond to you as you pass me: Gauge. River. Kat. Neo. Bob. Eduardo. Anime Girl. Hair. Girl with the Face. Etc.
But seriously, I'm so excited to meet each and every one of you if I do not know you already!
A B O U T * M E

E X T R A * F U N * F A C T S
I am 6' when I'm wearing shoes, and I have a freakishly long stride. My canine teeth are flat. I have a scar on my right eyeball. I've never broken a bone. Gladiator is my favorite movie. Zomboy, Owl City, and F-777 are my favorite (famous) musicians. I snap into a Minnesota, Irish, Australian, British, or Canadian accent sometimes, and it's a total accident. I've lived in SC for 14+ years, but no one guesses SC as my origin state.
I * W A N T * T O * K N O W * Y O U
I'm here to be your friend and to help you however I can. You can add me on Facebook. You can follow me on Twitter. If you want my number, just ask nicely, and it's probably yours because friendship is magic or whatever. I'm never too busy for humans, and if you need a human... I'm at least humanoid, so I'm here for you, bae. You are going to have so much fun in this class, I promise! I know I did. If you have any problems with technical set up on Blogger or anything of that nature, please let me know. This blog is here for you. <3
I hope that you all have a great semester! Be sure to say "hi" if you see me!
B L O G * S E T U P * A N D * P O S T I N G * S T E P S
1) create a gmail address if you do not already have one.
This only works if you have a gmail.
2) email me at with a message that includes the following:
a- your preferred name (first, last, middle, imaginary; just know that that is who you are to me)
b- your fancy dancy gmail email address
c- your major
d- your favorite .gif or meme
3) wait to hear back from me. <3
1) once you have access, either click the orange button with a pencil on it, or with the words "new post" on it. (If you are writing from blogger, the icon will vary depending on if you are at the home page or in the blogger window for this blog. If you go straight to the blog site, [] there will be a "new post" option on the top right once you have access.)
2) write a title at the top of the screen next to "Intro to DMA * Post"
3) write out a body
4) include a picture or video to add interest
5) make sure you label the post ("Labels" is an option under "Post settings" on the right side of the screen when in blog editor mode) with your name "[First] [Last]", and any other labels specified for the assignment. If you already see a label coming up for what you need, do not make a new label. Use what someone else beat you to. Sometimes there are special events that Leeper will announce in which blogs can be worth more. (Make sure you label them so that I can grade them right. I don't want to gip you.)
6) make sure you have things labeled. I can not stress this enough. Also, while I love creativity, please do not make up a bunch of unnecessary labels. This is not Twitter, and it makes grading slow and tedious. #WhatADrag
7) click the orange button that says "Publish" and that's it!!!!