That got me thinking about a trend I've noticed on youtube, particularly in the female community. People are coming out and talking about their struggles with anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.
These are just a small selection of videos that come up when you search "my anxiety." These people are brave enough to post their stories about a disease that many others don't acknowledge or belittle. And you know what? These videos help people realize that their depressive or anxious thoughts could be the result of a larger problem: that maybe they can get help to try and get control over their own thoughts. They also let people know that they're not alone.
This form of content creation didn't exist before the 2000s, and now content creators are sharing their stories and giving resources to those who may be in similar situations. All these people prove to me at least that whatever mess you've got going on it doesn't need to hold you back; and talking about it doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. And a fucking beautiful one at that.
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