Monday, October 20, 2014

The Animation of Caroline Leaf

I like it. It's different. And different is good. Here's why. Disney has made some great movies, let's not deny it. But I wouldn't want to watch just Disney films my entire life! That's like eating pizza for the rest of my life. That's pretty boring. And tiresome. I want something more than just pizza and Disney. Now to go further with the example, I don't mean I want to switch to a movie made by DreamWorks or Studio Ghibli. They too can make great movies, but I want something that is rather ugly. And that's what I like about Caroline Leaf's work. It's unpolished. It's dirty. It's broken. It's brilliant. There isn't anything quite like it. You can try to emulate it, but it probably won't work out as well if it isn't from the real deal. I never animated on glass or with sand before, so I would imagine the painstaking precision with it. And I do get that! Just like with Co Hoedeman, there's something refreshing watching a movie that is clearly a passion project that the animator or animators busted their asses to pull off and succeed!

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