Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Children's Media... Not my thing.

I've never really liked children. It's never been my ministry and I've never really been comfortable with that.
However, it seems as though if I were to do anything related to children, it would be making media for them. I could see myself making films for children, even though I have no clue how. It wouldn't be my first choice because it's simply not my strong point.
But in regards to the more deeper aspect, I do believe children have a better moral code than adults.
Because adults have "seen it all." They think they know enough about the world to be too confident with themselves. But children are wondrous. They delight in learning new things and experiencing life. Why don't adults do this? They have completely stripped away their questioning of the world because they have a mentality that they don't need to know anything more about it. Children enjoy the world more because they don't care about the small things. All they want to do is see things, and hear things, and experience them. Adults need to adopt this care-free attitude more often.

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