Monday, September 29, 2014

Artists and Christianity

When people see that students are studying at a Christian university for art, the jump to thinking that they are not true in their faith because of their profession. I honestly wish I could slap those people! The church is something that needs to have diversity and the arts do a great job of that. When we talked about the visual retelling of the 4 gospels, which was a great way of using are to reach out to those who may not be able to be reached by normal methods of discipleship.

I believe that people have taken in so much crap art that they don’t think that there is any good art out there anymore. I beg to differ. I think that people are just not looking close enough for it and so they deal with what they have and not even bother to dig for the good stuff, they just take in the mainstream media. I think people are afraid to dig for the good stuff. I also do believe that Christian art has a horrible reputation just because it’s just going to be Jesus 24/7, and we need to start showing society that we are not going to shove our faith down their throats. We just want to make some good art that we can share with the world. People just need to give us a chance to prove it to them. 

Art is a soul piece, art is our own story. Let’s use it to tell our story.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it's unfortunate how many folks don't do more research to find the good art. They just assume the mainstream is a representation for all forms of art.


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