Sunday, December 7, 2014

Stuck In A Rut

I recently watched the film "The Zero Theorem" by Terry Gilliam. I truly enjoy Gilliam's work in the past and I was hoping that this next film would bring back the elements of Gillaim's storytelling that I've grown to love and cherish. Sadly, I was disappointed. The themes "The Zero Theorem" relies heavily upon are futuristic dystopias, disenchantment, dreams, loss, nihilism, and the human condition amidst a sea of technological advancements. If you're familiar with Gilliam's works you'll most likely have watched "Brazil."  "The Zero Theorem" is almost a carbon copy of "Brazil" at its core. 

The characters are similar in nature, the visuals are cut from the same cloth, and the storyline, while altered slightly, is almost copied and pasted.  The classic Orwellian nightmare of 1984 still holds water in today's society but the movies about the subject are practically cliche.   We've seen these types of movies before and I have yet to see anyone bring something new to the table since the first "Matrix" movie. 

Are the questions raised by theses movies still valid in today's society?  I would say that they desperately need to be asked even more so now than ever before. It's just that the questions need to be asked in a way that we aren't inoculated against. While Terry Gilliam is a visionary director, I find that his choices for stories are seemingly redundant. He should take risks like he used to and not stay in the safe rut that he's created for himself. 

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