Sunday, December 7, 2014

Horror video game

The second presentation of the day you we were presented about the reasoning behind horror gamesand how they work. She gave some great detail on how her brain works compared to the game and how the brain reacts in a way that makes the games more terrifying when playing. She gave some good detail behind the game slender man because when you're playing it you have to be playing in a dim light setting young to have headphones on and you have to go collect eight pages while this monster gets closer and closer to you as you trying Achieva receive a page so the whole time in that game you're on your feet you're on your toes you don't know what's going on you kind of sketched out.  Also went into the history of how horror Games started and took off and how they are continually improving year after year now they're in kind of like a first person view 3-D mode where you know what's all going around went back then they were just first person you don't know what's going on so overall she did a really good presentation she definitely taught me a lot and it was a very interesting presentation.

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