Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Fury is a unique film because it is so different from the rest of the war films I have seen. Unlike movies such as "Saving Private Ryan", a movie that does show the dark side of war but it also has a tone of "We are America, we kick ass!" This film shows how much war devastates everyone around it as well as everything in it's path. The film takes place in April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push into European Theatre, a battle hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy (Pitt) who commands a Sherman tank and it's 5 man army as they cross into the enemy territory on a deadly mission. Not only are they out gunned, they are also out numbered. This movie is great because its about these men facing the overwhelming odds in there attempt to get into the heart of Nazi Germany. This movie is a very dark war movie and it shows that war is not ever grand. There are a lot of good war movies out there but I feel that this movie is the best because of how the portrayal of war is shown.

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