Monday, November 17, 2014

Visiting Day and the Media Covered

I remember coming in and sitting in on the Intro to DMA class like it was yesterday. My attention captured and held by the multiple film clips being shown thinking, "is this really how this class operates?" Turns out I was spot on correct with that one! But really, Leeper was able to present a solid case to show how theology can work in films and I was very glad to see that as a possibility. Now, I do not really plan on incorporating religion into my films. Or at least not in the way many people would expect me to. However, once again I see religion working in films a really great testament to how important being religious can be. Looking on the bright side, you at least know that religion is somewhat important and relevant enough to be used in film and popular media. It is definitely not something that is just going to disappear off the face of the earth in one big poof. I think film and media definitely can show that in a day to day basis. The "On the Waterfront" scene with the priest giving hsi speech is one of my favorites of all time. So it just goes to show how people like us might end up working in the industry someday. Or maybe it won't be that way at all! I guess you'll never know.

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