Monday, November 10, 2014

The Mainstream Flock

Thinking about the video game conversation we've been having the past few class periods opened my eyes to some of the ways that I'm a part of the mainstream flock. (To define mainstream as I'm using it in this blog - well known, big money games, a large percent of which have a "tradition" or "formula" that is expected by it's audience, e.x. Pokemon, CoD, Legend of Zelda, Mario games, etc.)
Not that playing or enjoying mainstream games is inherently bad, or inherently anything at all. But wouldn't it be awesome if the general community of gamers expanded their horizons when it came to games and worked to discover smaller name games that play to their interests? Unfortunately, doing this  can also require an expanded wallet. :/ 

I find myself sticking with the big-name herd often, being content with my Mario side-scrollers, cart racing games, and party games rather than figuring out what entertains me about those and trying something new. Mario, Pokemon, and Legend of Zelda are comfortable to me - I know what to expect when I see those names and I don't have to think much, or get used to a new art or storytelling style. 

Ok, wasn't really comfortable with THAT...

But what would happen if I burst my Nintendo bubble and got into more indie games? Sure I'd have to think some more, but I'd probably also learn a lot more as well, and experience another artist's life and work.

I find myself in the same predicament with animated movies. I'm quick to see a Disney / Disney Pixar film because I know what to look forward to. Dreamworks has made some fantastic movies, but I'm always quick to compare them to that well known powerhouse. Why did I make sure to see Big Hero 6 the weekend it came out, but I still haven't gotten around to see Book of Life, which is just as if not more gorgeous and intriguing?
The answer is beyond me and it's definitely something I aim to change.

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