Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Some People are Mad Due to Their Own Ignorance.....

See this is what I mean....

For months people begged for the release of the newest member of the Halo legacy, the Master Chief Collection. It was released exclusively for Xbox One and it promised many things. It was going to revolutionize the multiplayer of Halo forever, renovate matchmaking, and change the game forever. But, then it was released. The game had so many errors that it has a 20 gigabyte patch releasing this week to fix it. Now, for someone who waited in line for 2 days to have the first copy, this would make you want to kill someone. Many people are bashing 343 industries for their flop and yet still I don't think the studio was the problem.
The fact of the matter is people are impatient and it is making developers sloppy.
As seen depicted in the picture above, Ubisoft rushed the production of Assassin's Creed Unity so much so that in a major cut scene, the main character is missing his face! This has been patched but still. Ubisoft was producing or co producing almost 6 games at the same time; Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, Assassin's Creed Rogue, and the sequel for each. This stretched the company so thin that it started making errors. Again, it is not the companies fault. 
People are getting greedy. The consumers are rushing production to the point of breaking just to make them happy enough to buy the game. That is why indie games and new games are doing so well now a days. The studios are beating these sequels out one after the other at break neck pace to please their customers and the games are suffering. I would rather wait an extra year for a debugged game than get the game tomorrow and hate it. 
The same can be said for technology, movies, and music. Marvel intends to release over 60 movies in the next decade. That is insane! Everyone just needs to slow down, perfect what they are already doing, and stop rushing ahead so much. I think there would be so much less stress and everyone would benefit from it.

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