Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My love of Kid's entertainment!!... Not so much kids though...

So on Tuesday we were talking about good children's entertainment.  Which I love good children's movies and so forth.  One of the things though when I watch kids movies is that indeed most are trying to pander to kids.  Most of the times they just have bright colors and weird crap going on in the show.  But sometimes I watch old cartoons from my childhood to see if they still hold up.  Luckily some still do.  One of them being the kids next door.  I got to watch them again over the summer and was glad that I didn't feel as weird as I probably should.  Mostly because my parents give me a weird look when they see me watch cartoons.  I am hoping to watch some more of the old cartoons soon.
One of the ways I like to judge good children's films and such is do I feel awkward watching it?  If no I consider it to be at least OK because it doesn't pander to be just a kids film.  Of course it is possible to be great after all Toy Story is my favorite film.  But if great movies like The Lego movie, How to train your Dragon and even Kung fu panda 2 plus most of Pixar then kids movies will be made with great quality and care.  Because of this I can't wait to see what future kids movies bring that I will see with friends or future dates.  Speaking of which any takers to see the Book of Life?

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