Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Child's Intuition

I loved everything about Colorforms. Hands down, my favorite. From the moment, I heard the little girl start speaking, I had a smile on my face, and it only grew bigger when I saw what she was doing. And then it clicked - colorforms. That's not even a word, that's something only a child would come up with while they're finger painting. It makes no sense, and yet total sense all at the same time. I got super excited.

I also thought of the readings we did from Lewis and Singer, where they said stick to your roots and the small things will make the most impact and connect with the reader the most. I can attest to that, because that opening scene, with her covered in paint, took me right back to when I was just about this girl's age and I decided it would be good fun to draw with markers all over my face and body. To me, it was fun and creative and why not? 

There's a great picture that my parents took of me standing there holding the marker and smiling madly, and if I had it I would post it. And now that I look back, I think to myself, thank God my parents took that picture, because it shows that my creativity wasn't something that they looked at as needing to be disciplined, but they appreciated it. That support also showed about fourteen years down the road when I decided that I wanted to go into the arts. I'm so thankful to have been raised in an environment where creativity, exploration, art, and music were an emphasis. I know so many people my age who have been guided away from going into the arts because it's "risky." Well pardon my French, but, to hell with that. We need more artists and dreamers and risk takers in this world. We need to stop suppressing the creative spark that is found in children, because if we let that happen, we're soon going to find that we live in a very bland and boring world.

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