Mr. Nobody,
2001 A Space Odyssey,
The Tree of Life,
The Fountain,and Requiem for a Dream.
Going back on our discussion earlier in class I find myself to be personally stuck in the middle of the two sides. I find that movies and media should introduce ideas that someone can choose to accept or deny. It should also be a viewable and pleadable piece of art. But I also enjoy many other styles of movies as well. I could keep going but I'll move on now. I also enjoy taking photos as well -- usually of nature.
(you can follow me on Instagram at gammonbenjamin)
In terms of education, I was first introduced to filmmaking when I was being babysat as a child. We would go around making short movies and edit them on Windows Movie Maker. Eventually I was introduced to professional editing software at my high school where I had access to the adobe master suite. Needless to say I was very fortunate with the resources that I had at my disposal. My favorite part about filmmaking is editing, because thats where you get to put everything together and see how it all looks. I hope to one day be able to go and work for a big studio company and make major motion pictures.
Well thanks for taking the time to read my bio and feel free to comment and or find me in person.
Very cool! Nice to meet ya!