Wednesday, September 10, 2014

On September 9, Professor Leeper began class by reading another one of those prayers from the "Prayers From the Ark" book again. The first couple he read in previous classes never stood out to me, but I actually enjoyed the one he shared about the rooster. I thought the author, Carmen Bernos De Gasztold, wrote a clever prayer about a rooster that seems to know exactly what his role is in the world: to make the sun rise. He affirms God that he is His servant, but nevertheless, he wants God to back off and let him do his job. 

I don't think the rooster is serious when he says this. He knows he is powerless, but he still likes to pretend he makes the sun come up. He's got himself convinced, and maybe all his other animal friends convinced, and he just wants God to believe him also. 

This made me think of our relationship to God: as humans we tend to be very serious and reverent towards God. Maybe animals like to push God's buttons a little and tell him how things really are. And the comedic response of God seems to be Him shaking his head saying "whatever, sure, ya, ok, whatever floats your boat." 

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