Thursday, September 11, 2014

Marx Bros. fanatic

I know they aren’t as deep, and emotional as things like the Lunch Box, but I think the Marx Brothers are excellent. Their films are hilarious, and they don’t need to be anything more. We don’t always need films to be an examination of ourselves and society. The reason I don’t think they are stupid is partly because of how I relate to the characters, especially Harpo (curly haired, silent guy who had the loud horn, and a top hat). Harpo despite being a bit dishonest, facetious, and naughty has a big heart. The way Harpo acts with people when they are seriously hurt is beautiful. In terms of music Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo make some pretty insanely good music onscreen. Harpo plays the harp, Chico plays the piano, and Zeppo sort of sings… sort of.  Much like Leeper’s friend who found the book about Mary, I found the Marx Brothers in a hard time. I wasn’t laughing much, sick, bored, and tired the Marx Brothers helped with that. So despite the fact that they are admittedly stupid (and Groucho admits this himself in a letter published in The Groucho letters) they are always worth re-watching over and over again.  

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