Thursday, September 11, 2014

I really liked the lesson today. I felt like it was made clear as to what our responsibilities as christian filmmakers are. Professor Leeper had us raise our hand if we've felt pressured to- at the end of our time in university- have careers of making films that are exclusively "christian". Many of us shot our hand up. He responded saying that that is not the goal. If anyone feels called to do that, then great. But if we know ourselves and our beliefs, then it will be evident in our work, and the audience will figure this out while watching.

Frank Capra reveals hints of Catholicism in his film It's a Wonderful Life. When George asks Mary if she wants the moon, she responds asking what she would do with it. George tells her she would eat it, and then moonbeams would come out of her fingers, toes, and hair. This image of Mary strongly relates to the Immaculate Conception, a very well known image of Mary, Jesus' mom, and has been done by many artists. While this is not enough to make it a "religious film", it still gives the audience a chance to find relation between the movie and the religious things they know. And for audience members who don't pick up on that- at the very least it gets them thinking.    

1 comment:

  1. I don't think we viewed that specific painting in class, did we? That's a good one...accurately depicts the imagery in the movie.


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