Today we saw different
types of Jesus images… Some gothic art and others just random features of
Jesus. I do not feel like there is any true image of Him just like we spoke in
class…. I am also quite confused on what exactly is happening in this blog. Half
the time I do not know what everyone is talking about because I feel like some
of it has nothing to do with what we are talking about in class. Like ….. wait
what? What in the world does this class have to do with kittens???.... I guess
kittens cure tension but…. There are also bronies everywhere and all these
random gifs/memes… Guys I want to incorporate in this nonsense that has nothing
to do with the class as well. Rant rant rant!! Man I wish I had a famous uncle
like Jesse Dore. This artwork is very beautiful and here I go again not sure of
what I am talking about. I suppose all these random blog posts are making my
brain all scattered and I cannot really focus on one main thing to blog about
anymore xD…. It is a struggle really. I’m tired…I think I’ll stop now.
The kittens I believe where just for defusing the heated debates, as for the ponies... that's all me, I think I am the only one posting ponies so sorry about that. If in the future I post them I will make sure that they somehow fit in the context of the discussion. In terms of the discussions themselves, what specifically are you having a hard time with?