During Tuesday's class, Fridge was the most moving film to me that we watched. My first impression of the film was that the boys who seemed to be bullying a little kid that had no relation to them whatsoever. Once I watched the whole film it was obvious that the older boy was clearly brothers with the little kid. I found it strange and it made me think that maybe the older brother and the younger brother didn't get along very well. Connecting this to my own childhood, me and my little brother we're actually very similar to these children. Both of us are 5 years apart and me being the older brother, I would never put my little brother in harms way however, I did fight with him from time to time and would always win. It may just be a thing older brothers have with little brothers. Now that we're older we are best friends, but we fought constantly as kids. Later on in the film we are introduced with two drunkards who noticed that the boy was locked inside the fridge. I found it strange that it took them so long to get the little boy out of the fridge. The boys life was in danger and the man decided to get more alcohol before releasing the boy. I thought this was a poor decision on his part. Had it been me I would have gotten him out immediately, however there we're plenty of other people around that could have helped as well. Even though the man and the woman delayed his rescue they received help from his older brother in the end to save him. I think that this act goes to show that even though these people come from rough backgrounds they still have good in them. I myself and other people are too quick to judge others nowadays. We need to realize that we can put trust in others even if we disagree with one's life decisions. I loved how this film truly glorifies the drunkards act of bravery and shames the on lookers. This kind of thing happens all the time. I've seen many Youtube videos of people getting hurt or put in danger and no one is willing to help because they are too involved with their own lives. I think people need to be more self aware of this kind of thing. No matter who you are or what you're doing at a time when someone is hurt or in harms way, we need to get out of our own ways and server others.
I think you're right that we do need to trust others. But I don't think fridge was the best example to support it. The lack of people who took notice showed that they weren't the most caring people usually shows you can't trust people to help you. More of you're kind of on your own (in a way). I had the same predictions as you in the beginning. Did not see that it was his older brother. But as christians (or even moral standards) we should definitely go out of our way to serve others :D