Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Referring back to our class discussion this past Tuesday it is interesting to see how fairy tales can be related to the Bible.  I love fairy tales, and in some respects, I think that the Chronicles of Narnia is in fact apart of that category.  The Chronicles of Narnia, though it is if you will the "main stream" Christian "parallel", the series has been a huge part of my life.  There may not be too many people familiar with the audio books on tape for this series.  If anyone is interested in listening to them, I'd highly suggest it because they are not just your ordinary books on tape.  There is a particular book on tape series that has sound effects that goes along with what's happening throughout the books and doesn't read entirely word for word what the original book says, however, it does stay true to the plot line.  Anyways, back to the point, when I listen to these books I am extremely engaged.  When I listen to them, in my head I have mapped out what every scene from every book looks like.  It is as real to me as real life is (in the moment of course).  Each book takes about 3-4 hours to listen to and the entire time all I can think about is what's happening.  In other words, I'm probably a little to obsessed with them.  One of most important things that I have taken away from these books, is (strangely enough) a stronger faith in Christ.  Though Christ is symbolized through Aslan in the series the words that are used to describe Aslan also pertain to Jesus.  For me I almost wish that these books we're not a fantasy I wish it was reality.  How cool would it be for there to be hundreds of different pools you could go into that would lead you into another world?! My point is that even though fairy tales are in fact false realities, they still have real world meaning.  They affect us in ways we can not imagine, and the life lessons that can taught and learned from fairy tales are in fact lessons we can take away and use in the real world.

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