Sunday, August 31, 2014

Welcome to my brain.

I'm Rose Goyette, and I'm from a tiny town in North Carolina. I live in Indiana in a town about an hour away. I love CookOut, Cheerwine, and Bojangles.

Anyways, I'm a film Production major, and a sophomore transfer. I became  film major last year when I worked on a film set as a PA for a month. I still refuse to tell the first AD that I'm doing film now, since he was the one who insisted I would become a film major.

If you've met me, this probably comes as no surprise, but I love Harry Potter. I know almost everything about the books, and probably the movies too. If you ever want to talk about it, come find me. 

Here, have a picture of me:

Also, Cosplay is a thing I do. 

(I'm gonna be boring and not add a gif. Sorry.)

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Harry Potter has always been my favorite book series.


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