Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Singing in the Rain

This past weekend I went and saw the musical singing in the rain and I’ve just got to say great job to everyone involved. I came into the musical with a very judgmental view because back home we had an amazing theatre program and I was interested in how this would hold up in comparison. And obviously it was very good and very well performed. I personally didn’t know much about the musical going in and was happy to find out that it was a romantic comedy. The actors created an amazingly light and humorous atmosphere for me to enjoy the punch lines.

When it came to the actual singing in the rain scene in the musical I was astounded. I had never seen anyone use actual water on a professional stage before. Usually they don’t allow it because it can lead to fire hazards, slipping hazards and so on. So when they started to actually have it rain I was astounded. I believe that what they did to get this to work and not have the water go everywhere was to have the stage slanted down so the water would roll or bounce to the back of the stage.  

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