Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mr. Hughes and His Words of Wisdom

I would like to thank Blake Hughes for coming and talking in our class last week. I am in awe of how much this man knows about the field I love, and I am ashamed of the fact that I didn't know many of the titles that he was listing. I am so excited to see his work be completed this year and I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.  Project Oriana

Before I finish this post I would like to say one last thing. I originally thought that I never had the attributes to do well in Animation. My family were not artists and none of them could see why I did what I did, or why I was so passionate about art. Then I see people like Blake, Katy, and Alex and I think that there is no way I could ever do that. Then it occurs to me, just as Leeper said, three years ago those people were in the same seat that I am sitting in right now. So, as long as the time is applied, I feel like I might actually do well for once.

Now, although that was personal, I would like to expand on that. I have no idea where any of you are in your experience, but in the off chance that you are like me; I would like to say this to you. You are where you are for a reason, nothing is done without a purpose. God willing, you will do exactly what you want and you will be great at it, if not, your dreams aren't dead. Even if you don't shake the earth with the next major feature film; you can still have a great life doing what you love, so don't lose hope.

So, thank you again Blake, but for everyone else who feels like me. Great things are coming your way.

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