Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I've always had a love hate relationship with documentaries. I do enjoy a lot of them, I enjoy watching videos or movies to learn new things about people, animals, whatever. However there are times I get so incredibly bored watching them, and those documentaries are usually more of the history documentaries.

I don't recall titles to specific ones I've seen, aside from one, Invisible Children, about kids in a country (I can't remember which specifically) that are trafficked into the army and the war going on there. And a group of college boys took a camera and went to this country and walked around filming there. It was sad and powerful, and so crazy these boys did what they did. I totally recommend it.

There are other documentaries I've admittedly avoided due to the fear of hearing things that will make me sad or just hurt out of second hand embarrassment and the pure fact that "oh my word people like that actually exist" and it leaves you feeling really depressed.

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