Saturday, November 29, 2014

DMA and the Sublime

In a different class of mine right now we're talking about "the sublime" in art - essentially what makes something "higher" art. When something is sublime, it reaches up to something higher, it takes the viewer out of themselves and doesn't exist just to entertain. What I've really enjoyed about this class is experiencing media that isn't just meant to entertain or get viewers to pay for theater tickets, but to challenge or represent or just be for the artist's sake. Some of the ones that have stood out to me are (sorry for the ones without titles):
- The one at the very beginning of the year, the German one that starts off with the people loaded into the truck and suffocated
- Tree of Life
- Ryan

These strike me as more than just films - I see bits of "the sublime" in them.

But there's nothing wrong with art that's just for fun, like just about any Pixar short, Pfffirate, or that other French one about the pirate that had all those pets.
I've really enjoyed participating in all of this art this semester, and I've learned a lot about how to be a better audience to it. As a non-DMA major, that's a good lesson to take away.

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