This is my niece, and I'm usually the one that watches her when I go home. She loves stories and she loves telling them. Her favorite games are games of pretending; watching her play and have her toys talk to each other and our family is one of the treats I get when I go home.
Her love of stories extends to the shows and movies that she watches. If something we're watching gets boring to her, she'll start ignoring the movie and do her own thing. I've noticed that what she's most interested in (the shows that have her leaning forward and entranced) are the ones that seem to balance the focus of the show on action and relationships. For example, she loves My Little Pony. She can name every character in that show and always asks to watch it. That show seems to have a lot more standing and talking than other kids shows, but she eats it up.
This little girl is the one I would write for if I were to create a children's show, film, or short, and her desires are different than what I've seen people say that kids want. I've heard people say that kids only get pulled in by the action, the music, the images of a show. But not this kid (well except the music. She knows so many Disney songs by heart). She loves tales of girls being friends and saving to day together. I have to wonder if making something for this one girl could grow into making something that many kids would fawn over. I'm not sure if I could take it that far, but I know that the next time I see her I'll be showing her some Miyazaki to see her reactions.
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