Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Prestige

Over the weekend I decided to watch The Prestige and I was not disappointed. The main storyline is about two rival magicians who try to outdo each other in their tricks and illusions that they perform as a part of their magic acts. As it turns out, the entire storyline ends up being an illusion in that one of the magicians used his twin brother as a double in order to perform what appeared to be an impossible trick. The film features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier and Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, the two main magicians previously mentioned.

The greatest aspect that The Prestige shows throughout its structure is the destruction and downfall that comes from living a life based on revenge, obsession, and self-ambition. While on the outside, the characters are becoming more wealthy and powerful from their successful careers, it is evident that on the inside they are searching for something greater and they are never truly satisfied with what they have accomplished. One area that is particularly affected is their relationships with their families and friends. The Prestige challenges the prototypical magician roles used by other movies and takes a more dark and revenge-filled approach. And while this is a bold move by director Christopher Nolan, it is one that I think pays off in the end. 

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