Ever since being a kid with Lego's the subject of stop motion has boggled my mind. For someone to put in hours upon hours of effort into moving an object in smallest of ways for only a minutes worth of action has something special attached to it. I remember the guy I used to watch on YouTube all the time was Patrick Bolvin. The way he made Transformers and other figures come to life was just cool. Now there are a multitude of YouTubers of use the stop motion art form.
As mentioned, the most popular form always seems to be Lego's has multiple people recreate movie trailers using the miniature toys amongst other things. Quite frankly the fandom is what sparked the idea for the Lego Movie. Speaking of movies, again, I can't believe how much time it takes to create the stop motion features. Caroline alone took over 2 years. Like, come on, that's commitment.
I've always wanted to dabble in the art myself, but never had the resources of a camera growing up. Given the opportunity, though, I definitely would. That's where I think kids these days, let alone anyone, have the advantage. If they wanted to make video art of any kind they perty much could because the technology is every where. I wouldn't be surprised if my nephew didn't make Minecraft stop motion adventures since that's all he does. Life imitates art right?
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