Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"Stop Acting like a Child!" "I'm not acting!"

I've been surrounded by kids my entire life.   When I was growing up my mom had a daycare at our house, so I got to play with kids everyday.  Then my family worked at kids' Church for fifteen years.  I love kids and I always felt it easier to be around them than people my own age or older.  
My first job was babysitting for a family and I had that job for four years.  Now being in college, it's totally different. There is no one running up to hug me or give me high fives.  That is one of the sad parts about being in college.

But back to my family working at our church.  My family has been there for a long time, working with the kid's ministry.  I just love it.  I love working with kids and just being around them is fun.
This is what we did to our Kid's Ministry:

This is what my family does.  My Dad came up with a design for a kid's ministry.  You don't know it yet, but we have all the bells and whistles.  We have stage lights, smoke/fog machine, bubble machine, and a talking robot.  Yes, I said a talking robot.  My Dad found a way to make a robot by hooking up a computer screen and using an app called crazy talk.  He designed a face for it and hooked it up to a body we made for him. (In the back we had someone rotate the robot and move his arms up and down so it makes it appears that he's an actual robot.)  He teaches Bible lessons and throws random dance parties for the kids.  His name is Carl.  Cool Artificial Robotic Life form.

We had a puppet band we named Gear Box.  We selected christian rock/worship songs for them to play.  This was my expertise.  I would go to the back and puppeteer for the kids with some other volunteers.

My dad made these Christmas music videos for the kids.  This was the first one we made.  I mostly helped him with puppeteering, designs, and coming up with ideas.  He was my introduction and inspiration for animation and I'm sure you know why.

 This is the second one we did.  This one was a lot more fun cause we filmed this in the park at night.

This is what we call Faith Factory.

I want to go into children's media to inspire kids to be themselves, but to find who they are in Christ.  I don't think I can afford to go on the Children's film trip.  But I want to go ever so badly.
My little brother explains who I want to be perfectly ... a kid.

And I think I have done a pretty good job of that so far.

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