I got to see the Maze Runner for the second time a couple nights ago with my friends. It was just as good the second time!
Being a film major however, I tend to catch mistakes and analyze movies, so I decided to rant about it here.
Seriously if you haven't
seen it but want to,
read no further.
At the beginning of the movie, Thomas gets out of the cage and runs away out of fear. He trips and falls, but when he gets up, he realizes that he is walled in and can't escape. There is a 360 panorama shot of him looking around at the walls.
There is some rough green screening in this shot.
Then not long after that scene, Thomas is talking to Chuck, while walking towards the maze entrance. The acting is... well it leaves a lot to be desired. Overall throughout the rest of the movie there are only a few rare occurrences of bad acting, but the rest is well done and believable.
I think there were multiple characters that died, that shouldn't have. Yeah yeah I know it's based on a book and they wanted to be true to that. So maybe I'm speaking about the book when I say, there was so much room for amazing character development for people like Alby and Chuck. I mean dang I wish I could see Chuck in the second movie become a badass killing machine. But nope. I feel like the story lost a lot of potential by getting rid of those characters.
There's more I could say but I want to keep these short so I guess I'm done with my rant.
Even if it doesn't seem like it, I loved the movie, and the ending was perfect.
That is a very good movie (in myopinion) and yeah, for the killing part they were just going off the book I believe. I read it a long time ago so I can't really remember to well.