Thursday, October 16, 2014

Industry Talk

So I figured with all this talk about the greed of the studio system and the bigger end of the film industry I'd post an interesting link to an article I found on one of my favorite film news sites, Indiewire (if you don't ever go here you should because it is amazing...No Film School is also a good one). In the article they are discussing the upcoming film Birdman with actor Zach Galifianakis. He goes into some detail about his views on the industry and how he has always had this love/hate relationship with it. He expresses the same views we have discussed in class about the studio's focus on money and their lack of effort towards creativity in their work. They take no chances and stick to their guns to ensure that they can make money and be successful on their terms. Galifianakis expresses that he has always felt this way about the industry. Even though he has been in popular blockbusters like the Hangover trilogy, he still wants the industry to strive for creativity and originality. This makes me wonder how many popular actors following the flow of the studio system feel the same way. Galifianakis just wants to see a little more of something creative. I wouldn't mind that either.

Here's the link to the full article:

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