Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I say this every time, but I really enjoyed last class. I don't know how else to start these blogs. It was interesting talking about children's media since I've never been apart of an in depth discussion about it. When I think of children's media, the first thing that comes to mind are the zany, random shows on Cartoon Network that have next to no message for its viewers. I literally think cobwebs are forming in my cranium and that my brain is melting. I recall enjoying some of those shows when I was younger, but now I can barely sit through an episode. 

Last class made me think of the children's media I do like- such as Disney movies- and the discussion made me realize why I like them. I learned that the best stories have mature ideas, but are crafted so that they are enjoyable for children. Leeper showed the class a french film called Circuit Marine by Isabelle Favez. It's a hilarious cartoon about a pirate who acquires many pets, but they all end up dying in the end. The plot makes it sound like a sad story, but for some reason I couldn't help from laughing the whole time. The class was heckling and making comments throughout; I think everyone could agree that they were confused as to what they just saw. It was a fantastic story because it was relatable. A child watching may think of their pet who had past away, or it may cushion a child's sorrow when the time of their pet has come to die. Overall, it gets the audience thinking of death, a harsh reality of life, but it does so in a humorous way. Good stories like this keep adults young, and aspire children to grow.         

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