Saturday, September 20, 2014

True Detective

Just recently I finished watching the first season of the HBO show True Detective. The thing that stuck out to me most about the first season was the acting and how great the characters developed through just 8 episodes. In the show, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson play the two main detectives that are solving a serial killer case that spans 17 years in Louisiana. While the plot was good and enjoyable, it wasn't so much the story line that caught my attention as much as it was the acting.

The best part of the show for me was the interaction between the two main characters and how unique each of their personalities were. While the show did have some action and suspense to keep you engaged, it was the emotion the actors displayed that made it so great. After the first episode you already had a feel for what each of the characters was about and what motivated them to be detectives. I felt like I could connect with the characters because of their phenomenal acting and the passion they each put into their roles. The most incredible part about all of this is that the first season was only 8 episodes and yet it felt like it was its own series. Many other shows take multiple seasons to get this same effect and even then its not as good. It just goes to show that there is no substitute for good acting. 

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