Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sometimes debates get in my head

Today there was a debate that I have experience with. My mom was a reporter, so I would often go with her to school board meetings. I remember when the prayer in schools issue came up, many people in the community were upset because they felt that their children were being forced to learn about evolution, because they felt it was a lie. I remember clearly one teacher purposely skimmed over the chapter on Evolution because he didn't really agree with it, and he was aware students didn't like it. Although the state required him to teach it, he felt that it was not important enough to spend more than a couple days on. Personally, I love evolution. I found it really interesting. I'm always been a big science person, and at one point I was even a biology major.

I don't like getting involved in discussions in large groups, especially when there are opposing viewpoints. I have anxiety, and in my head I feel like if I don't agree with something someone might say, that they'll hate me. Yelling also doesn't help. It just reinforces the feeling that people hate me, even if I have nothing to do with the argument. Much of my mental issues stem off of loneliness. This means I'm also scared to be myself  because I'm afraid that people will think of me differently. I'm aware that it probably won't, but it gets in my head and is hard to shake.

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