Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rat Lover

The one with the rat was a bit different, and that’s not just because of the relationship at the end of the film. The idea that an attempt to kill the rat resulted in the rat believing that the human loved her, she saw the things meant to kill her as gifts. Sad indeed for the man who wanted nothing more but to be free of the rat, and live in peace, instead finding a wife. Here is when some interpretation comes in, based on the man’s facial expressions throughout the photos I am assuming that he didn’t really want to marry her, and live until death parted them. This sounds a bit familiar, is this based on how people can end up hitched with people they would never want to, but somehow it just ends up happening? Interesting how it says they were happy ever after, perhaps how outsiders often see relationships that they aren’t a part of or they do not understand. What if the rat had died though instead of the marriage that took place? The story would have been pretty average. So thank goodness for the fact that they got married otherwise it would have been pretty dull.
Ordinary + Extraordinary notes

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