Now, I don't care if you're a theological evolutionist or if you believe creation is how we got here. What upsets me more than anything else is a blog I saw--I believe it belongs to Logan--that argued against a point Leeper made in class. Leeper said that God and Christians have bigger fish to fry than evolution and class prayer. But Logan said, "No, you're wrong. These are huge important issues. We don't have bigger fish to fry." And for those of you who think like this... honestly, what the ever-lovin' heck is wrong with you?
So, you mean to tell me that you think the teaching of evolution is a bigger problem than teen suicide in the LGBT community? Than children dying of malnutrition and starvation in Africa? Than homeless people freezing on the city streets? You mean to tell me that you're so bent out of shape about evolution being taught in public schools that you've forgotten about the things that actually need fixing RIGHT NOW? If you think any of these things, which involve the endangerment of other human lives, are less important that what your child learns in public school, stay far, far away from me at all times. I don't want to be in your disgusting presence ever again.
With the amount of food we throw away, between the US, UK, and Canada, we could feed literally every single child in Africa, so why aren't we? Why are we getting our panties in a bunch about issues that don't even matter that much instead of actually doing what God would want us to do?
There was also a thing about how the Christian vote is the minority vote, and that's not true at all. A quick Google search shows me that 73% of the US identifies as Christian, and while that's a 4% decrease from what it was four years ago, it's still the majority. Maybe Christians are just starting to realize that what people think of as the "Christian vote" is unethical and unconstitutional. Maybe Christians are just starting to get a better grasp on their priorities and realizing, "Hey, you know what? Discrimination sounds like it sucks, and we kind of DO have freedom of religion here, so... maybe it's not right to impose Christian prayers in school or tell school boards that they CAN'T teach evolution."
If you're so worried about what your kid is learning, why don't you take responsibility and make sure that you teach your kid how to be a decent person and how to love their neighbor? Why don't you actually do your job as a parent and teach your kid to respect other's opinions even though evolution is probably wrong according to your beliefs? I think that if parents did that, the world would be a way better place. If your first priority ISN'T teaching your child how to love and respect and be kind to others, you don't deserve to be a parent. Never reproduce. I'm serious. They need to have a parenting license test, and one of the questions should be, "Now you won't get your panties in a bunch if your kid hears about evolution in school, right?" And if you answer, "Actually, yes, I will," BAM NO PARENTING LICENSE FOR YOU ANY KIDS YOU HAVE WILL BE TAKEN AND GIVEN TO PARENTS WHO CAN ACTUALLY RAISE THEM TO CARE ABOUT OTHER HUMAN BEINGS MWAHAHAHA
Furthermore, on the topic of evolution in schools, I don't know what public schools you guys went to, but I went to a public school for six years, and in those six years, I did have teachers who talked about religion. We learned about it mostly in History class and we talked about all kinds of different religions including Christianity, so hey! Look at that! Christianity actually does get taught in public schools, so stoooop with this ridiculous notion that Christianity and public schools can't coexist.
Now, I need an image for this blog, so I'm going to use an image of myself because
1) I look really good today #conceited
2) You all need to know who to avoid if you're going to continue to be horrible people and undermine the value of human lives.
I want this post carved on my grave so that it will never go away. first of all nice gloves, I'd love to know where you got them, cause I want a pair gender neutral or not. I think, and I say this with all my love, the post seemed a bit angry, and understandably so. other than that I feel the points you bring up are very good ones. The Christian today tends to act like they are being targeted by everyone, when it happens both ways, and ironically many times more towards the non Christians. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on any of these topics especially the LGBT areas. Thank you for this post, it was very entertaining, and hit the nail right on the head in many areas.
ReplyDeletewith desu, Alexander Mastrian
Haha, thank you! On your compliment on my post and on my gloves! The gloves came from a site called, which is where I do a majority of my online shopping. I just searched "fingerless black gloves" and found these. They're kind of cheap, though. A couple of the studs have come off...
DeleteBut yes, I WAS angry!! Gosh dang it, you don't say human lives are worth less than public education around me. You just DON'T. You shouldn't say it around anyone. You shouldn't think that way. What the actual--UGH.
Since this comment'll get long if I lay out all of my LGBT stuff and since this blog post isn't specifically about those issues, I'll go comment on yours because I have a lot to say on the subject!
Fair point Taylor. But of course, the Internet is not the most accurate for figures. Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteAlso, :O you look so different without your glasses.
It is if you use reliable websites, and I think I did, but just to be safe, I checked MULTIPLE websites, and while they all give slightly different figures, every single one states that Christians are the majority. (One even classified Christians as a SUPERmajority.) Also, there's no arguing that the second biggest landholder in the United States is the Catholic Church. They are second only to the US Government itself, so you cannot tell me that Christians don't have a CRAP TON of power in this country. We are not persecuted. We are not victimized. These are the facts. Take them or leave them.
DeleteAhhh, everybody says that! I'm technically not supposed to wear them when I'm on the computer, and they were getting in the way of my eyeshadow, so yeh. I took them off!
AMEN SISTAH. *high fives*