Now I know that the opinions that follow will not be favorable with the general populace, however, this is my blog. We are ordained by our creator with unalienable rights, and mine includes the right to speak freely. So, here is what I believe to be true. Humans are corrupt, they are negligent of their duties, they are sadistic and enjoy harming one another, and they have not learned for centuries, so I am afraid they will never learn. Humans are ignorant and until they are smacked in the face with truth, they will refuse to see it. Now this may seem like a rant, however, it does apply to the films we watched in class.
The first film I will be analyzing will be Small Hands. Now this film may be sad to watch, but why should it just now occur to you that this is sad? This process has happened for countless years, in fact it is happening right now, and do people care? No. People are concerned about their own well being. To illustrate this point, I will quote the words of a popular rock band. "It's ironic, at times like this you pray but a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.... -Linkin Park" See Small Hands was just a short segment about a daily occurrence, and why did it impact you? Why did you never care before? There was a reason why God only took two of each type of animal on the ark. These things must happen, and so they do. So, I really don't see any sense of being sad over it. If there wasn't a purpose for this circle of life, then we would all live forever. But, on one fateful day a human corrupted the entire species and damned them for eternity. Now fortunately, a savior was sent to help reverse the damage done, but some things haven't changed. People die, animals die, civilizations fall and genocides occur; that is just the way the world is. I'm sorry if you got depressed because an orchestra played as innocent animals were massacred in their homes, but this happens every day.
The next two films I will analyze together. Both of them blatantly show what I had opened this blog with. Humans will go about their business as usual unless they profit from it in some way. If the people in these films had been rich or had power, the outcomes would have been entirely different. But, these were commoners; so doors were shut, eyes were turned away, and people didn't care. In life nowadays, people no longer show each other God's love. It doesn't matter if life is threatened, it doesn't matter if people are round up and slaughtered, and it doesn't matter if souls are lost in the struggle for life. If people don't get something out of the situation, they won't care. Humans are altered by greed, as shown by the film Spirited Away the other night. Almost no one follows the rules instituted by the divine, the human race has lost itself, and now there is only one solution. These films show all to well how far our race has fallen, and although those who believe in his son have been saved, the rest will soon be cleansed. So, yes these films evoke emotion, but this is a daily occurrence, and so life will go on the same as it has been. The same as it did before we watched these films. God's grace is the only outcome left to save the human race, and without it, I fear for the people of this planet.....
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