Should the church still use art to promote the word of God?
Well honestly yes. I’m not one that does enjoy Christen films or whatever music
Joyful Noise plays (I went there), but at least I do get something good to look
at and isn’t opening it’s mouth-hole.
Okay to be less harsh, I’m not against people saying that
they like God in whatever medium. But the problem is that they only reaffirm
what the viewer that it’s targeting already knows. And those viewers are mainly
Bible thumpers. I don’t really find that much enjoyment out of it, but if you
do, good for you.
However with paintings and drawings, it is mostly based on interpretations
and how it looks. It’s much different from a movie, TV show, or song, since
those are visual forms with moving pictures and/or the use of your ears.
Paintings and drawings can be a lot more abstract and can do what many others,
mainly the ones I mentioned earlier, challenge your thoughts and re-evaluate
what you think about a subject. But if that’s not the case, at least the
painter/drawer/artist can pull off some of their skills. I mean look at the
Last Supper by da Vinci or Michelangelo’s painting of the Sistine Chapel. I do
see the religious imagery, but they are considered classic paintings for a
You know I don’t think I’m making a good case with this

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