My dear Christian brothers and sisters in Christ… On this day, the 18th of September, I found myself perplexed and distraught by what took place in today’s class. (I recall all of these events for the sake of readers who do not understand the context in which these events took place) Professor Leeper was making the point that the Christian community at large has a false sense of entitlement when it comes to the moral values that America as a country upholds. I agree with this. Many Christians nowadays have a very warped sense of reality that is a direct result of Biblical illiteracy and bad doctrine. Professor Leeper then went on to explain how Christians have a false ideology that proclaims “If we could just get a Christian into power then he would uphold our values and make everyone follow the right rules.” (Which of course is ludicrous because humans are born dead in their trespasses and sins and are imperfect in every way shape and form) This I also agree with! Continuing on this thought, Professor Leeper then said that all we would accomplish would be shoving our morality down the throats of others. (Which is partially true) In my zeal, I then interjected that it would be just like how evolution (among other things) has been forcibly crammed down our collective throats in today’s society. I had no idea that this specific comment would spark a nuclear firestorm. But it did. No sooner had the words left my lips, that Professor Leeper began to verbally lambast me for my remark. It would have been one thing to simply disagree with my point of view. However, Professor Leeper than began to discredit everyone who had the audacity to believe that God created the world in six literal days while at the same time not using evolution to do it. For somebody who claims that certainty is a show of arrogance he sure does seem to be pretty certain that evolution is how things were created… On top of that, saying that “Certainty is a form of arrogance” is a statement that requires some form of certainty to even say in the first place. During our mostly one-sided discourse I made the remark that “It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” I truly believe this. Of course, I also believe that evolution and Christianity really have nothing to do with one another and are two deftly opposed ideas that cannot coexist within the same universe. Some of you may be wondering where I get these seemingly outrageous ideas from. The answer is scripture.
In Matthew 19 Jesus Christ, the only Son of the living God, was asked by the pharisees “Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?” He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,” Clearly from this statement it is seen that Jesus knows that Adam and Eve were created by God as Genesis recounts. Still don’t believe me?
Jesus continues by quoting Genesis directly. ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matt 19:4-6) Jesus is God and God cannot lie. Therefore, this passage is verifiably and certainly true. Meaning that Adam and Eve were real historical people! Genesis never once describes God forming the creatures of the earth over millennia and using the process of evolution to change one creature into another. In fact, Jesus was so certain that Adam and Eve were real people that he even validates yet more details about Genesis in Matthew 23:34-35.
Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
Once again, Jesus is upholding the validity of scripture by recounting the name of Abel (the murdered son of Adam and Eve) from Genesis. It would be absurd for Jesus to hold anybody accountable for the blood of somebody who was merely a myth. Paul, in his letter to the Romans also verified the historicity of Adam’s existence in Romans 5:14.
“Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.”
It seems pretty clear from scripture that Jesus Christ our Lord believed in the Genesis account and so did the apostle Paul. It clearly teaches in 2 Timothy 3:16 that… “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
It would be foolish of me to have a different opinion of scripture than the Apostle Paul. It would be even more foolish of me to reject Jesus’ view of Genesis because he claimed to be God in human flesh and proved it by raising himself from the grave.
By the way, on the subject of Media Arts... I will leave you with a wonderful song from the “Emergent Post-Modern Philharmonic Orchestra” with their rendition of "Also Sprach Zarathustra!" They are a fantastic group that has freed themselves from the bonds of modernism and all those pesky rules about notes, timing, and are free to let the spirit guide them in their artistic expression. Enjoy!
All right all right all right, so... while I disagree with a majority of the things you said here, I'm gonna respect it, anyway. Right. So.
ReplyDeleteYou say that evolution wasn't used to create humans and possibly even the entire world, right? Now, that, I can kind of get behind. However, just because God didn't use evolution to CREATE the universe doesn't mean that evolution can't EXIST. The earth is really, really old. Billions and billions of animal and plant species have lived and died on this planet. Wouldn't it be possible for an all-mighty God to see that a species is doing poorly and say, "Oh, hey! I don't want you to die yet!" and then make them adapt and EVOLVE so that they won't go extinct? Isn't it possible that a God who can do ANYTHING can make animals undergo a form of evolution nowadays, even though he may not have done that in the very beginning of the universe? The answer is yes, it is possible, if you truly believe that God is all-powerful. Therefore, your claims that evolution is complete bogus are... well, complete bogus. Sure, maybe it's not how we GOT HERE, but that doesn't mean it can't EXIST. So, you see? You say evolution and religion are two TOTALLY SEPARATE THINGS, but when you think about it like this, they really aren't.
It's honestly really silly for a guy who clearly believes God is all-powerful to sit here and say that the one thing God CAN'T do is make evolution possible.
Also, quit being whiny. You said Leeper "began to verbally lambast" you, but I don't think he lambasted you at all! I think he was trying to play devil's advocate as he frequently does in a lot of cases. He just wanted you to back up your claims, which you were struggling to do. You can't make a good case if you don't have solid evidence. You have to have multiple sources, not just one. In this case, you used your faith and only your faith, which is a huge no-no if you're trying to really drive your point home. I think Leeper did a great job in preparing you for future arguments, and I strongly believe that instead of whining about how he ~lambasted~ you, you should thank him! Leeper already HAS an open mind, and he's willing to listen to any viewpoint, but he's probably already heard the same arguments for YOURS a hundred-thousand times. He was challenging you. By making those certain statements, I believe he was challenging you to open your mind and try to argue more effectively against them or try to see what he was getting at and look at things from a different point of view. Even if it's not a point of view you AGREE with, you can still try to look at it that way and say, "Okay, yeah, I see. I don't believe that myself, but yeah, you make your case pretty well."
You may claim that you didn't get to make your case in class because Leeper kept "lambasting" you (gosh, I'm starting to hate that word), and that now you have a proper time and place to argue your points, but I STILL don't think you make your case very well. It STILL sounds like a bunch of "I'm right and you're wrong because the Bible says so the end" and that kind of argument SUCKS. I'm sorry, but it does.
I hope this gives you a new perspective on things and that you don't hate Leeper for being "mean" in class today.
Tay, over the last few days I've pondered what you've said in your comment and what stuck in my mind was the overwhelming double standard of your arguments. You were seemingly clear in your opening statement that while you disagreed with my arguments that you were "Gonna respect it." However, you then went on to use Ad Hominem attacks to explain to me how my arguments were "Bogus" and that they "Suck(s)." You also went on to attack me personally and call me "Whiny." At no time in your comment did you address the issues that I brought from the text of scripture but rather fixated your attention to my usage of the word "Lambast."
DeleteYou went on to explain that what I should have said to Professor Leeper was "Okay, Yeah I see. I don't believe that myself, but yeah, you make your case pretty well." Yet, when I clearly state my arguments using the inerrant word of God you discredit it as being a "I'm right and you're wrong because the Bible says so the end" type of argument.
I say to you that the word of scripture are not my words but God's. Your true argument lies with the text. I don't know what you personally believe but I can tell you this. If you are a Christian then your mind is to be held captive by the word of God. If what you believe and what scripture teaches differ, then it is you that needs to repent and change your mind. I say this in response to your claim that I need more than one source. If I'm in the midst of a group that claims to be Christian then I don't need any other source than scripture itself.
Doesn't it seem strange to you that I would be singled out in class for upholding what scripture teaches in a Christian University?
I have no personal problem with Professor Leeper having a different opinion than me. What I do have a problem with is how he handled it. I found his response to my comment to be highly unprofessional and disturbing. The reason why I didn't argue my defense in the moment was because that class was neither the time or place to do so. Professor Leeper claimed that he didn't want class to turn into a big argument either but he kept fueling the fire and kept going on about it incessantly.
Also, I've never said God COULDN'T use evolution. All I've said is that he DIDN'T. There is also a large misconception out there regarding what evolution actually is. At no point in any of my statements did I say that microevolution was false. I do believe that animals adapt to their surroundings. How else could we explain the many different breeds of dogs? What I believe to be blatantly false is the theory of macroevolution. There is not one iota of evidence to suggest that animals have ever changed from one species into another. More importantly, there is nothing in scripture to suggest that either.
In my arguments I have used objective evidence to support my views. You, on the other hand, have attacked me Ad Hominem, discredited the inerrancy of scripture, and have made subjective truth claims. In other words, I cannot respect your arguments.
I leave you with a passage from 2 Timothy 4
"I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."