Thursday, September 18, 2014

Gustave Doré

Have you ever been asked, "if you could have had dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be"?  Some say Jesus, others say Moses. (and then there is that one weird guy who says George Washington).  I would have chosen my my great, great, great, great, great uncle, Gustave Doré.  Gustave Doré was one of the greatest illustrators of his time.  If you haven't heard about Gustave Doré you probably have seen his art works that have been placed in art museums all over the world.  He has his own gallery called "The Doré Gallery" in Bond Street, London.  He is a french illustrator that impacted the world with his art.  

In the Christian Universe, he is known for his Bible illustrations done in the English Bible..

He started his career when he was fifteen working at a French newspaper as a caricaturist.  Continuing in his work, he illustrated for Edgar Allen Poe (The Raven), Lord Byron's Poems and Lyrics, and mostly Bible Illustrations for the British Publisher. 

Most Christian viewers ignore that he has done other work besides the Bible.  In 1883, Gustave started getting into fairy tale illustrations such as Little Reg Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, and so much more!

Growing up as an aspiring artist, it is a lot of pressure to live up to such God given talent.  But I learned that you don't learn over night.  Just like me, Gustave started from scratch.   Here is my favorite picture that he created.  I don't know why I love it, but I do.  I would love one day to meet him.  Hey forget dinner, why can't we just draw together?

And this is another favorite of mine!

Here are some of his other works:

And here's the man himself:

1 comment:

  1. those're so COOL oh my gosh my jaw's like on the floor. thanks for sharing those! :)


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