Let face it, most of the stuff kids watch these day is
really shallow, whether it’s on TV or on the big screen. It’s only meant to
entertain kids, it never asks them to think. This is why I tend to hate
children’s films, because I know I’m just going to get something light and

The Christian market is especially guilty of this. I loved the earlier
Veggie Tales films. Like Jonah, and a number of others. They had a humor and depth that I may not have picked up when I was younger, but after watching them again now that I'm older, I can appreciate them more. But I can’t say the same thing for their more recent films. I’ve watched
a lot of them, and I honestly feel like my brain is oozing out of my ears.
Only a child would appreciate this stuff.

The Toy Story trilogy in my opinion is one of the best film
trilogies to date. While when you hear the word “toy” you think of children,
there is something that even adults can enjoy. Why is this the case? Because
these films have depth, they respect the intelligence of the audience members
by giving them something to think about after the credits roll. They talk about life and its struggles, which is something we can all relate to. These are the
types films that both the secular and especially the Christian film industry should be making.
Amen to Toy Story. If only every children's media producer would pay attention to their awesomeness.