Thursday, September 25, 2014

A kabob of random stuff from today

            I don’t think I have ever taken a more chill exam in my life. Honestly every exam should be like this, your so relaxed and focused without flipping out and going brain dead. We were laughing during the whole thing which was fantastic. The best part had to be the second bonus question when Leeper pulled out his best southern Baptist, it was very convincing, and very entertaining.
            How about that pool scene, that was beautiful. I don’t happen to be good at interpretation so usually I just rely on the actual look, sound, and feel of art. The way the bubbles slowly raised from the depths of the pool made me think of an earth with gravity going outward, an interesting concept. It’s always interesting to hear what these things are actually about, because as I have stated I am not very good at artistic interpretation, ironic as I am an artist. I get to feel that ah ha! Moment of meaning at just about the end of every art piece I see once it is explained.
I’ll be honest I am running out of ideas to talk about, so let’s mention that art pice of the people carrying their burdens to who knows where. That was some sick (cool) stuff, the way the one lady walked slowly over the pages, gorgeous, but don’t ask me what it means.

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