Saturday, August 30, 2014

Bonjour Film Comrades

Bonjour my fellow film comrades. My name is Jonathon Kane, and this year I am beginning my adventure into the chaotic and amazing world of being a Film Production major.

My never-ending passion for film began when I was a wee lad at the age of seven. My brother and I would create childish films featuring everything from light sabers to the Travelocity Garden Gnome. In middle school I made the decision to pursue film for the rest of my life after watching hours and hours of bonus features on the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace DVD.

In high school I really began diving into film. My ultimate goal is to write and direct feature films, so I began creating my own films as well as working in freelance work. I have filmed everything from parades to the ASA National Softball Tournament. A few summers ago created the web series called Summer Snapshot for Scher Maihem Broadcasting, and all the while, I was creating short films with my friends.

Some of the movies I take inspiration from include: Jaws, Jurassic Park, Skyfall, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Super 8. As you can see from this list, Spielberg is my favorite director, and I plan to use his films to further my own.

Last but certainly not least, why am I here? Well, God began speaking to me a few years ago and made it clear that he wanted to make films that bring the world back to him. Huntington is a wonderful place with a solid Christian foundation and an amazing reputation for film. Using all the knowledge gained from this university, I hope to one day move to Los Angeles and make a stand for Jesus in Hollywood.

Stay classy fellow students. 


  1. Very cool! Nice to meet you ol'chap.

  2. Big fan of some of the movies you mentioned! Love those oldies!


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